Hello, fellow bloggers, and welcome to my page!

My name is Robin Dixon.

I’m a freelance writer feeling her way through a dream.

I have two wonderful, beautiful children (actually, my oldest just turned 13 -yikes! a teenager). I taught English/Language Arts for a little over five years. I’ve also tried my hand (successfully, I might add) at teaching Latin I to a brave class of high school students and revived the Journalism class at the same charter school.

I currently live in the same North Carolina town where I grew up (Weddington) which has also grown up, earning its own dot on the map.

I am turning my writing hobby into a career, and hopefully, a lasting impression on this world.

My other great passion is singing. I express my love of Christ through my participation in both the Praise Team and Choir at my church.

It has taken me too long to get to this point in my life where I left other’s plans for my and started living out my own.

5 responses »

  1. Wow….. i like what you have turned your site into, your poems are awesome, intriguing and informative. very creative, keep it up and i look forward to reading more of your work

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